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We often find ourselves craving for inspiration, before an interview, before an exam, before going to the gym, before cancelling for a party which you really want to be a part of and sometimes only to get up and get out of the bed in the morning. Sometimes it comes to us by sheer dumb luck and sometimes we actively start looking for it. There are often things we come across that helps us move forward, push ourselves to achieve the best of that day.
These inspirations can come from anywhere, a quote we came across while doomscrolling, a dialogue said in a movie, or even an overheard conversation of a stranger passing by. It can come from the words of your friends, the live video of our favourite celebrity, the about section behind a book or from your neighbour living across the street and doing his best to make both ends meet.
I have often found myself searching for the same too and have come across some lessons and inspiring words that have helped me get out of bed and face the day. So this, is my attempt at giving you the inspiration you might need.
Go conquer your quest warrior, you can do it!

Inspiration for the Week
Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. Action is power.
-Tony Robbins
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